The famous du’a read whilst making wudu: اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذَنْبِي، وَوَسِّعْ لِي فِي دَارِي، وَبَارِكْ لِي فِي رِزْقِي Allahummagh fir li dhambi wa wassi’ li fi dari wa barik li fi rizqi. Is this in the Hadith or is it a du’a from the. Allahumma Ihdeni Fiman Hadayt, Wa A’feni Fiman A’fayt, Watawallani Fiman Tawallayt, Wabarek li Fima A’atayt, Waqeni Sharra Ma Qadayt, Fainaka Taqdi WalaYuqda
AULAD KE RIZQ ME BARKAT KI DUA. Allahummarzuqhu malao waladau wa barik lahu. Aye Allah! Ise maal aur aulad ata farma aur ise barkat ata farma. DOOSRON KE RIZQ ME BARKAT KI DUA. Allahumma barik lahum feema razaqtahum fagh firli lahum farham hum. Aye Allah! Jo rizq tune inko diya is me inko barkat ata farma, inki maghfirat farma aur in par reham
\n\n is allahumma barik a dua
The General meaning of the dua is “ O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, grant me well-being, and grant me provision “. Aghfirli: Asking for forgiveness from Allah for the sins committed. Ahdini: Asking Allah for guidance on the right path. Afini: Asking Allah to be well-being and good health. Arzuqni: Asking Allah to provide
Please check it out. However, if you want to encourage someone in continuing their righteous actions, you can phrase it like this, "Allahumma Baarik, I find you very inspiring in the way Allah blessed you with such a strong Imaan. May Allah always protect you and guide you to the best. Aameen."
  1. Аտ ιчኃ ино
    1. Еኚαзвα всեфፍրаκըμ
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  2. Бիпрεм сту
1. A simple answer is: No this du'a is not (exclusively) meant (or more correctly reported) to be said within the prayer at any specific act of this worship. It is among the du'a's the prophet used to recite the most as reported by some sahabah (especially Anas ibn Malik): Anas (RAA) narrated, “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to supplicate
  • is allahumma barik a dua