skillsbased on the application of CLIS method (Children Learning In Science) LKS assisted on elasticity and Hooke Law in SMA Negeri 1 Jakenan Pati. This research was conducted at SMA N 1 Jakenan Pati dated October 13 until October 24, 2017. This research used Quasi Experimental design in the form of pretest-posttest control group design.
People’s dependency on natural resources is still very high. Natural resources are used to meet the needs of food, clothing, fuel, shelter, and many other utilization. Negative behavior of natural resources utilization has led to environmental degradation in some places. Low levels of education about the environment also triggered the environmental damage. Environmental damage which continues to occur must be reduced and even has to be stopped. One way to solve environmental problems is by announcing knowledge about the environment in schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of participatory based environmental activities at SMA 2 Pati, Central Java Province. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method by data collection techniques with interviews, observation, and documentation. The result showed that the SMA 2 Pati has involved all the school community in school activities, involving students, teachers, staffs, and general affairs personnel in the conduct of the school environment. Among the activities carried out are the garbage sorting, school park maintenance, and the creation and maintenance of catchment hole biopori. This research recommends that the implementation of environmental education policy through participatory based environmental activity at SMA 2 Pati needs to be intensified by adding more partnership with the communities outside the school in order to increase the knowledge of environmental activities and school communities active participation. Therefore, increase the environmental awareness as well. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors.... In [12], the author tried to fill the gaps in the existing literature by conceptualizing environmental performance awareness EPA construction. e results of the qualitative analysis proposed a three-dimensional structure that includes human health, ecosystem vitality, and socioeconomic sustainability [13]. To sum up, most of the literature is about ecological environment and environmental protection, and the application on the Internet is not deep enough. ...Zuomei XuWith the development of the economy and people’s longing for a better living environment, the smart and environmentally friendly ecological environment has entered a period of intensive research. However, the current ecological environment resources cannot be used reasonably, and word of mouth and tourism economy are showing negative growth. In order to be able to conduct an in-depth study of the ecological environment, based on “Internet +” and perceived value, this paper builds a comprehensive evaluation model of a smart and environmentally friendly ecological environment based on a multiple perception system. This article establishes an evaluation index system that combines two systems of multiple perception systems and ecological environment, six secondary indicators, and 22 three-level indicators. In this paper, the comprehensive evaluation value of the smart environmental protection ecological environment is and the level of the multi-perception system is good. At the same time, the corresponding evaluation values of visual perception, functional service perception, and cultural and activity perception are and respectively. The comprehensive evaluation value of the ecological environment is and the level of ecological environment development is average. The corresponding evaluation values of the subsystem environmental quality level, environmental pressure level, and environmental improvement level are and respectively. The coordination value of the multi-perception system and the ecological environment is which is an ultra-high-level coordination stage. The comprehensive evaluation value of the two is At this stage, the degree of interaction between the two is strong and affects their has not been able to resolve any references for this publication. a Sejarah singkat perpustakaan SMA PGRI 1 Pati. b. Program kerja perpustakaan SMA PGRI 1 Pati. c. Koleksi bahan pustaka SMA PGRI 1 Pati. d. Buku harian peminjaman dan pengembalian perpustakaan SMA PGRI 1 Pati. e. Kartu anggota perpustakaan. 3.2 Metode Pengembangan Sistem Pengembangan sistem membutuhkan aturan dan standar pedoman THE INSTRUCTION RUCTIONAL DESIGN FOR TEACHING NG OF READING R SKILL AT GRADE X, X SMA N 2 PATI NATURALISTIC RALISTIC STUDY MANUSCRIPT PUBLICATION Manuscript cript Pub Publication in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirem Requirements for the Degree of Magister Magi in Language Study of Graduate Program Magister of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Written by SRI AMBAR WIYATI NIM S200120044 GRADUATE PROGRAM MA MAGISTER OF LANGUAGE STUDY MUHAMM UHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA AKARTA 2014 i ADVISORS’ APPROVAL THE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN FOR TEACHING OF READING SKILL AT GRADE X, SMA N 2 PATI NATURALISTIC STUDY by SRI AMBAR WIYATI NIM S200120044 Manuscript Publication has been approved by the advisors to be examined by the board of examiners. First Advisor Second Advisor Prof. Endang Fauziati Agus Wijayanto, Ph. D ii The Instructional Design for Teaching of Reading Skill at Grade X, SMA N 2 Pati Naturalistic Study Ambar wiyati, Sri. S200120044. The Graduate Program Magister of Language Study Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. ABSTRACT Reading is important skill as a means of developing second language competence. Those who read more will have larger vocabulary. As the result, they do better on test of grammar, writer better and spell better Krashen, 1993. English teachers take a central role to help the students to achieve the reading competence, so they need knowledge of instructional design. This study was conducted to describe the instructional design for teaching of reading skill at Grade X, SMA N 2 Pati. The data of this study were the reading teaching learning of two English teachers at grade X, teachers’ and students’ interview. Each English teacher was recorded twice. The instructional design for teaching reading were 1the learning objectives, 2the syllabus, 3classroom procedure, 4classroom reading techniques, 5the instructional material, 6teacher’s role, 7student’s role, 8media, 9assessment. The data were analyzed based on the theories of instructional design components from Richards and Rodgers 1987 146 in Fauziati 2009 17-20, Fauziati 2010 191-192, 207, Moore and Kearsley 1996, Harmer, J. 2004 56-63, 78-79, 295-300. Meanwhile, classroom reading strategies were analyzed from Brown H. D. 2000.The result shows first that the components of instructional design for teaching reading at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati that have applied based on the theory the learning objectives, the syllabus, classroom procedure, classroom reading techniques, teacher’s role, student’s role, media, assessment. Second, one of the teacher sometimes selected instructional material not related with syllabus. The nine components of instructional design were only one that was not properly done, so it was concluded that instructional design for teaching reading at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati has been done well. This findings of the study will hopefully give contribution to improve delivery of instruction and makes the teaching learning of reading effective, efficient. Key words Reading Skill, Instructional Design, Instructional Design Elements 1 INTRODUCTION In Indonesia, English is as a foreign language which is a compulsory subject in Senior High School. It is used all over the world, so that it is important language, learning English has four skills that are listening, speaking, reading and writing competence and becomes a need for the students. It is stated by Chomsky 2002, Reading is an important skill, it is a means of developing second language competence. In other words, reading ability affects the other skills. It is supported by study done by Kirn and Krashen 1997. They investigated five female adults acquired English as a second language. The study shows that the success of a learning a second language is by taking the power of reading. So by reading a lot, the students could improve their English. Student needs a will to read. When they to read, they do reading more often and with more effort. They become engaged in reading Gee, 1999. Successful readers have a positive attitude toward reading, read more and so become better readers. As better readers, they have a large vocabulary. In this case, the teacher should motivate the students to read. In the final exam, the total test number is fifty numbers that consists of fifteen listening numbers and thirty five reading numbers, so the total reading numbers is 70 %. It means that reading comprehension is the largest target to achieve the final exam. The function of teacher should be creative in the teaching learning process. They should be able to create the instructional design. Teachers create lesson plans to prepare the teaching, communicate the instructional activities regarding specific subject matter, and based on curriculum that consists of goals, purposes, and topics to be taught to what actually happens in classrooms as individual teachers adapt and carry out instruction. Richar L. Arends and Ann Kilcher, 2010 79. The lesson plan contains of student learning objectives, instructional procedures, the required materials, and some written description of how the students will be evaluated. The best teacher must create the good lesson plan or to be good planner and thinker. After creating the lesson plan, teachers must select the right material and media that should be suitable with syllabus or curriculum. Materials or textbooks are the center of instruction that will influence on what goes on in the classroom activity. It means that textbook is important in teaching and learning process. 2 Teachers must know how to choose the material and media for instruction, how to make supplementary materials for the class, and how to adapt materials. Beside of lesson plan and materials that must be created by teachers, doing evaluation must be done. The evaluation purpose is to get feedback from students. The suitable test for teaching is achievement test. According to Jeremy Harmer 2001 321, stated that achievement tests are designed to measure learners' language and skill progress in relation to the syllabus they have been following. Achievement test only work if they contain item types which the students are familiar with ,for example, Teachers give students texts which have been seen before, it does not mean providing the students with similar texts, but different texts which have similar type. This test should reinforce the learning that has taken place, not go out of their way to expose weaknesses. The test can also help teachers to decide on changes to future teaching programmers where students do significantly worse in parts of the test than teachers might have expected. It is stated by Gage 1983 73 that to satisfy the practical demand of education, theories of learning must be "stood on their head" so as yield theories of teaching, so English teacher must help students how to do something, giving instruction, do evaluation. The learning process that concerned with students, real interaction, and understanding of language studied by children are same as learning to their mother unconsciously that they are studying language. Teacher is one of the professional work in Indonesian. Their responsibility is hard and complicated, so They must become members of teacher's organization, joint workshops to share ideas, write articles, journals, action research to improve the teaching and learning process. The reasons for choosing this topic is because of the crucial function of the instructional design for teaching of reading skill, especially at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati, as follows 1. People and students in Pati want to continue their study at State Senior High School, because students and parents belive that this school make students be useful in their future, so the schools become precious, well known, and favorite. This assumption must be kept for teachers to improve the teaching learning process. To achieve the goal, teachers must have teacher knowledge, leadership, networking, teacher-centered classrooms, and teacher-centered instruction. It is stated by Richard l. Arends and Kilcher, 2010 390 3 instructional design for teaching of reading skill, at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati is not be paid attend by English teachers. The Instruction design for the teaching of reading skill is significant in academic research in order practitioners of education know the development of the practice so that they can determine what they have to keep and change. Related to the context, this research relates to instructional design for teaching of reading skill at grade X SMA N 2 Pati. That is why the problem is very essential to be observed. UNDERLYING THEORY The understanding of some research theories is essential in the study. The writer discusses the theories related to the research. Reading is one of the language skills which needed be taught in language classroom. Students need to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study, or simply for pleasure. Fauziati, 2010 32. It is stated by Harmer 2005 68, Reading texts also provide opportunities for students to learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and even good models for English writing- the way sentences, paragraphs, or texts are constructed. Last but not the least, reading texts can introduce interesting topics and stimulate ways of handling a reading class of which the emphasis on improving learners' reading skill are related to the classroom activity and classroom procedure. English teachers should design the learning program in order to reach the teaching goal program, so It is expected to make the effective plan. It needs the English teacher to be creative, because teaching is thinking process and the art of expression. Instructional design is both a science and an art. Instructional design is one of the teacher skills to conduct the students in the learning activities. There are various of meaning that will discuss it. According to Moore and Kearsley 1996, in F. Martin journal 2011 956 stated that instructional design is a system of developing well-structured instructional materials using objectives, related teaching strategies, systematic feedback, and evaluation. Meanwhile, Rob Koper and Colin Tattersall 2005 4 explained that Instructional Design is the task that is designed by teacher to reach the learning objectives. However the other experts discussed that Instructional design is the practice of creating 4 "instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing. Richards and Rodgers 1978 146 stated that design specifies the relationship between theories of language and theories of learning to both the Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities. Learning objectives are statments that describe what a learner will be able to do as a result of teaching. The researcher focused on the English teaching reading at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati. English teachers had to teach reading competence to reach the target of English lesson that included in the syllabus. The English teachers at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati, created the learning objective based on the theory in Fauziati, 2010 191-192. It consists of student. Student will do, knowledge/skill. The scottish higher education council 1998 personal transferable skill, what students will do, acquire further knowledge and skill. Syllabus is an outline of specific course prepared by instructor. It is named "Curriculum" that made by government. Teacher had studied it before doing teaching at class. Every syllabus needed to be developed on the basis of certain criteria, such as learn ability’ and frequency’ which can inform decision about selection and ordering. Harmer, 2004; 295-300 Classroom procedure was the steps that had been done by teachers to handle the learning, made their life easier and more effective in the teaching learning activity. The type of classroom procedure SQ3R's Model Survey, Question. Read, Resite, Review by Francis Pleasant Robinson 1946,PPP's Model Presentation, Practice, Production by Lewis, 1993 190 and Harmer 2004; 78-79,The Genre - based Model/ A Genre-Based Approach by Hammond et al. 1992 17-24. In curriculum '13, English teachers taught reading based on the steps in syllabus that was called scientific learning process’, described about steps that should be done by teacher during the learning, they were 'Observation, questioning, exploration, association, and communication’. Meanwhile, Instructional materials are to be defined as items that are designed to serve as a major 5 tool for assisting in the instruction of a subject or course. The materials should teach students to learn, be resource books for ideas and activities for instruction/learning, give teachers rationales for what they do. Those items such as books, other printed matter, video, and audio recordings, and computer software, which are used as part of the instructional process. Carroll County Public Schools 125 N. Court Street Westminster, MD 21157 Adopted 1986, Revised 1990, 2002 Teachers are someone who teach or handle class to reach the special purpose in teaching and learning. They can act out to be actor or actress in the class. Student’s activities are difficult to organizer without the teacher. Harmer 2004 58 - 62 stated that the role of teacher consists of eight functions; controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, tutor, and observer. Students are the target and object in teaching learning. They are one of the important participant and the main factors. The role of students were to be as performer and listener. However, there were four basic to be good learner; active planning, academic learning, social learning and effective learning Media is tool that used by teacher to help students acquire new concepts of the skills and language competence, but they should be selective when choosing. The principle in the use of teaching media was no dominant source that could solve all problems in language teaching. Tomlinson, 2001. However, assessment is a tool to get feedback and measure the student’s ability. It can be done by doing test that is used a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain Brown, 2004 3 METHOD This research employs Descriptive Qualitative Naturalistic Study that develops contextspecific statements about the constructed realities from participants, focuses on how people behave when absorbed in genuine life experiences in natural settings. It is stated by K. Cherry 2004 401 that naturalistic is observation of behavior in a more or less natural setting, without any attempt to intervene. The situation is not manipulated, created, or controlled by the investigator. The subjects of the study are the English teachers who have been teaching reading at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati. The researcher collects, observes, describes and analyzes the data from teachers and students about 6 Instructional design for teaching of reading skill at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati. Its data was categorized into a few parts such as the main base for organizing and reporting results Moleong, 2002 3. The instruments used to get the data were interview, record, and observation. The writer wrote the transcript after recording to make data accurate. RESULT The instructional design at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati has applied the components of instructional design. Researcher found one of the teachers taught the hortatory type reading text that is not supplied on the syllabus, it means that the material is not related with syllabus. From the nine components of the instructional design, only one component that has not done properly, so researcher concludes that the instructional design of teaching reading at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati has been done well. DISSCUSSION In this study, the researcher analyzed document and data relating to instructional design for teaching reading. Reading Skill Based on these theories, the writer concludes that reading skill is one of English skill that must be taught in class for students who study English. Teacher should be creative to make the reading teaching be efficience by using classroom activity and classroom procedure. Reading skill is the ability of understanding texts through written texts. There is interactive between the reader's background knowledge and text, so the background knowledge of text is important for readers. In order to understand more about reading, it is worth discussing about micro and macro reading skill. Reading is the kind of text consists of paragraph, sentences, words and vocabulary. Instructional Design To reach the instructional design implementation, There is many kinds of elements that must be learn. There is various parts of the instructional design, but all of them are one aim to cover the teaching learning process in class. Based on Colin Tattersall 2005 27, The learning design has many component elements. They are title, learning objectives, prerequisites, roles, activities, environments, method play, act, role parts. However, 7 Richards and Rodgers 1987 146 in Fauziati 2009 18-20 stated that the components of design The general design and specific objectives of the method, a syllabus model, type of learning and technique activities, kinds of tasks and practice activities to be employed in the classroom and in materials, learners roles, teacher role, the role of instructional materials, Primary function of materials, the form of materials take Text book, audiovisual, relation materials to other input, assumption made about teachers and learners. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN COMPONENTS There is nine elements of instructional design learning objective, syllabus, classroom procedure, classroom reading techniques, instructional material, teacher’s role, student’s role, media, and assessement. The Learning Objective Based on research finding, the English teachers created the learning objective; Students can identify the social function, generic structure of short story narrative text, identify the language feature of short story narrative text, read fast to get the information through skimming, scanning, and inferences in text, make the differences between Indonesian and English short stories, students are able to arrange the descriptive text of person, placehistory/place that is suitable with social function, structure, language feature, describe the descriptive text, read recount text, report the history of events. Based on the general analysis of learning objective above, it is clear that teachers had created the learning objective based on the theory. It consists of personal transferable skill, what students will do, acquire further knowledge and skill. If the researcher drew conclusion, there would be three points; students, students’ activity and knowledge. The theory of attitudinal’ was not written on English teachers’ lesson plan, but it was done during teaching learning process. It proved when students discussing, reporting, paying attention. This is the table given to make clearly According to the researcher, there was many reasons that it was not necessary to write the attitude’ for creating learning objective. First, it can be seen on the students’ activity, for example; “Student can describe the historical event in front of class “. The activity of description in front of class meant students would do/describe one by one, so it 8 was not necessary to write; By individually, student can describe the historical event in front of class. Second, It was be possible for one of the learning objective, It would be happened more than one attitude/behavior, for example; “Students can identify the generic structure of short story narrative text”. The attitude of identify could be happened not only individually, but also grouping. The most important for creating learning objectives are; students, students’ activity and reach improving knowledge and skill, the learning objective was made based on syllabus. From the analysis, it concluded that English teachers had created the learning objective based on theories and syllabus. Syllabus Based on the research finding, English lesson at SMA N 2 Pati, grade X used curriculum ’13 that had two different types class the compulsory class and the optional class, applied different syllabus. The differences took place in the time location and material. The compulsory class had 2 x 45 minutes and the optional class had 3 x 45 minutes every week. The compulsory class English reading material was descriptive, recount, narrative, however, the optional class English reading material was descriptive, recount, narrative and explanation. In curriculum ’13 syllabus consisted of the main competence, basic competence, material, learning activity, evaluation, time and learning source. SMA N 2 Pati had program to make people be participant in keep, manage and prevent peace and green environment. That program was named Adiwiyata program’. This program had been in the school’s vision and mission. To reach this program, each lesson had to apply in the lesson plan. Reading English lesson had made syllabus mapping. The material that had to support this program was recount and descriptive text. This genre text had to talk about environment. When researcher observed, that was not happened in the lesson plan or during teaching learning process, so the researcher asked the teacher”Why does the material not talk about environment?”, Mr Ladjer Acmadi who taught at The optional class answered “It is difficult to select the recount or descriptive text that talk about environment. It is better to concentrate the classroom procedure that is suitable to syllabus in curriculum ’13. Then researcher interviewed Mr. Moch. Aji who taught at the compulsory class”Have you practiced Adi wiyata’ program in the teaching?, Mr. Aji answered”I have not applied it. Because I had still studied the real syllabus in curriculum ’13. After that researcher analyzed the syllabus type that had been used at SMA N 2 Pati, 9 there was only three types of syllabus Genre based syllabus, grammar/structural syllabus and multi syllabus. A grammar or structural syllabus Is the syllabus type. It contents of the language teaching is a collection of the forms and structures of the language being taught, so students gradually acquire a knowledge of grammatical structures, leading to an understanding of the grammatical system. Compulsory class learnt the grammar of noun phrase because there was the descriptive genre, so it had to describe person, place, and things. Noun phrase was also used in teaching recount genre to tell about experiences. When teacher taught narrative text, they explained the modal auxiliary verb. In the speaking competence used the grammar of simple present tense to introduce oneself. However, at optional class, the kinds of grammar that was taught past, adverbial, future, present tense. The multi syllabus was applied when English teachers taught genre text, then continued with grammar related in the text. Researcher observed that teacher taught the narrative text, then continued with simple past tense and direct in direct speech. The descriptive text was taught, continued with simple present tense and conjunction. And when teacher taught recount text, the grammar was suitable the simple past tense. Curriculum ’13 syllabus for grade X Senior High School, there was not hortatory genre text, but when researcher observed the compulsory class, teacher taught hortatory at X science 3 and 5, it was taken place on January, 3rd 2014 and March, 23th 2014. When researcher asked why hortatory must be taught, the teacher answered that the material supplied in the hand book. From the data, it could draw conclusion that sometime the teacher taught at class without paid attention with syllabus, but focused with the book used. This was a problem in the English teaching learning, so it was better teacher studied the content of syllabus before teaching activity. Classroom Procedure Researcher found that reading English teaching at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati applied classroom procedure based on curriculum ’13 that consisted of; 'Observation, questioning, exploration, association, and communication’. When researcher observed English teacher, there were two types classroom procedure model 1 observation – 10 questioning - exploration and association, 2 review - communication. The first model, Observation activity showed the teacher gave film to make students were ready and enjoyed the lesson, then questioning, teacher gave questions related the film seen, exploration, teacher gave the type genre text, discussed together with students, the last, association, teacher made students report the task and other students gave feedback. The second model, review, teacher asked and made students get out the homework, then communication, teacher asked students read synopsis of text and other students gave respond. Based on the theory and data, researcher concluded that there was not theory that exactly applied in reading English teaching, but SQ3R model was just nearly similar with the English teacher classroom procedure done. The survey activity was similar with observation, Question related with questioning, Read and resite had the same activity of exploration, review related with association. However, communication was done when teacher gave the students homework, for example browsing internet, making journal, diary, synopsis. PPP model was suitable for teaching grammar, however, genre based model, the activity that had been applied; building knowledge of the field, modeling, joint construction, there was not communication activity. Researcher gave conclusion that curriculum’ 13 made English teacher easier to handle the class because there was the classroom procedure in the syllabus, teacher only explored it to make students enjoy the lesson. Classroom Reading Technique Researcher found that classrom reading technique at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati applied eight reading techniques, they were identify the purpose in reading, silent reading, skimming, scanning, guess when you are not certain, use literal meanings, capitalize on discourse markers, and reading aloud. However the reading technique that were not applied; use graphemic rule, analyze vocabulary, and use semantic mapping. The literal meaning was used but the implied meaning never applied. The reading technique that always needed in English teaching learning; identify the purpose in reading, skimming, scanning, guess when you are not certain, and capitalize on discourse reading techniques appeared during the teaching, daily test paper, and assessment. However the reading aloud happened when teachers read the text to be the model, students gave the task 11 report. Meanwhile the silent reading happened when students did the task, and daily test. It could be concluded that the reading technique that was always used for English teachers at SMA N 2 Pati, grade X identity the purpose, silent reading, skimming, scanning, guessing when you are not certain, reading aloud, however, semantic mapping was seldom applied, and the others, analyze vocabulary, distinguish between literal and implied meaning, capitalize on discourse markers to process relationship were never used in reading English teaching at class. Instructional Material English instructional materials at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati used text books and film. First, the books that be used at the compulsory class; “Pathways to English for Senior High School grade X”, written by Sudarwati 2003, however at optional class was used “Developing English Competences for Senior High School grade X”, written by Achmad Dody, Y. Effendi, 2008, Education Department. Both of types class used students work sheet from Pati English Teacher Organization, named “Smart English”. Second, Film was used when teacher taught the type genre, for example; narrative, descriptive, recount, explanation. It was given to students for being ready to the main topic. Beside of the instructional material type, there was the role of material. The researcher found that there were only three of the role material applied; 1 the role of principle and media specialist, 2 the role of supervisor media, 3 the role of the board of education. First, the role of principle and media specialist was applied, because teacher gave decision to use the text books based on students’ need and made them more effective. The teacher’s objective would be effective to reach without spending more time. Second, the role of supervisor media. Teacher gave decision to select the text books needed based on English teacher organization decision and would be approved by text books that was used student’s work sheet. The last, the role of the board of education. Pati English teacher organization would revise the text books yearly, and English teachers who used the text books from publisher made selection yearly. it could draw conclusion that that the instructional material had applied at grade X SMA N 2 Pati had applied the three type that needed of the student’s need related with the role of principle of media specialist, supervisor’s approval related with the role of supervisor media, and created teacher’s mind based on curriculum related with the role of the board of education. This school 12 never made parent’s agreement to select the books, so the role of reconsideration committee was never done. Researcher gave opinion that it would better institution, teacher and parent worked together to select the text books. The Role of Teacher Teacher is to be controller that do activity likes taking the roll, reading aloud. Organizer means teacher should organize students from engage-instruct-initiate –feedback organizer. Assessor, teacher should give the students be sure that something are right or correct. Prompter means teacher hold/let students work things out. Participant, teacher should take the participant that what students do. Resource, teacher can be master the teaching learning material. Tutor, teacher can offer of general guidance, describing something, and care to be taken. Observer, teacher observes all of the student’s activities. Researcher found that English teachers at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati had done all of the teacher’s roles; controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, tutor, and observer. Teachers did controller for giving instruction, for example; asked students to open the book, report the answered, moved around group by group when students discussed. Organizer, teacher opened, explained, closed the learning. Assessor, teacher assessed students to complete the answer, understand which one was right or false. Prompter, teacher gave students motivation and opinion. Participant, teacher did participant as the students’ activity, Resource, teacher gave students material. Tutor, teacher handled the class run smoothly, and the last teacher observed all of students’ activities, for example; students’ answered, discussion, reporting the work. Teacher not only paid attention, but also gave feedback. Controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, resource, tutor, and observer were always done at the lesson, but the role of participant was seldom done by the teachers, Researcher gave suggestion that it would better the role of participant would be always done by English teacher, so it could make students be interested in the lesson. The Role of Student The role of students were to be as performer and listener. However, there were four basic to be good learner; active planning, academic learning, social learning and effective 13 learning. Students at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati had the role of student as to be listener and performer. Students as performer was found when students answered questions, got mastering the material, communicate the idea to teacher or other students, read aloud in front of class. Students as listener was happened when students listened the video or film, teacher’s explaining, other students’ answered. Students listened carefully all of them to make them understand and gave feedback in the learning process. It concluded that the role of student had been done better at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati, not only student as performer, but also as listener. Researcher suggested that both of the roles of student would be improve, so the teaching learning could be increased significantly. Media The media that had been used at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati in reading English lesson was film, printed media, internet. Film was the kind of media that teacher gave to the students in the early of teaching learning process to make students enjoy and be ready for the new material, for example; the film of Cinderella, Pinokio, flood disaster. The printed media was the text books that used in teaching learning. There were “Smart English, Pathway to English for Senior High School grade X”,“Developing English Competence for Senior High School grade X, English dictionary. Internet was used when teacher created power point to explain the material, gave students’ home work. There was many kinds of media that could be used in teaching learning. Assessment English teacher at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati had done the assessment to measure students’ ability by doing test and non test. First, The test had been done during the lesson, for example; at the post test activity, students did test each one indicator in the English reading competence, daily test had been done by English teacher for three times every semester and finally, semester test had been done twice in one year. Second, Non test had been done by English teacher when students did active in the lesson, students’ report and work, for example; making journal, clipping, reading aloud. Researcher concluded that English teacher had done the two types in assessment, there were test and non test. The test was done to measure the knowledge, however the non test had been done to measure the students’ performance. 14 CONCLUSION Based on findings, it concludes that instructional design for teaching of reading skill at grade X, SMA N 2 Pati had been done well. It is worth presenting the pedagogical Implications that can be considered as contribution of the study to the teaching of English, especially the instructional design of teaching reading at grade X in the curriculum’ 13. The importance of instructional design are to improve delivery of instruction, and make the teaching learning effective, efficient. First, the instructional design in teaching reading can improve delivery of instruction because teachers have designed the material, classroom procedure, and classroom reading technique based on the learning objectives, so they can develop the student’s competence related to the syllabus or curriculum standard. Second, it makes the teaching learning effective, efficient. The process of design itself focuses on efficient. It means that teachers apply all of the instructional design elements the creation of learning objectives, classroom procedure, material selected, reading techniques used, understanding of student’s role, applying the role of teacher in an organized way. The concentration on designing appropriate strategies promotes the appeal of instruction. The process of evaluation provides the opportunity to revise instruction to make it more efficient. If the instructional design can run in efficient, it will reach the teaching learning target successful that is called effective lesson. The effective instructional design can help student to get achievement and establish lifelong learners. English teachers can get the knowledge to have the reflection from this study, so it improves the teaching of reading. Teachers, especially those in higher education may find it beneficial as valuable input to better understand and raise the knowledge about the instructional design of teaching reading at grade X. SUGGESTION After done the study, there is the suggestion that given There are several areas where further research about the instructional design of teaching reading may be conducted for grade XI, XII or in other schools. This study examined only teaching reading, so another research may be examined about listening, speaking, or writing. English teachers who teach reading competence, it would be better to study the syllabus, so there will be suitable with the material delivered. Beside of this, teacher 15 should select properly and ask for committee’s idea the text books and media used to make the effective teaching reading. The institution should facilitate the hot spot area to increase the learning process, so teachers and students will be easily improving the knowledge. 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